Saturday, March 24, 2007

Surf RI - Rhode Island Statewide Databases Trial

I apologize for the lateness of this post, but there is still time for you to check out Surf RI, the state's trial run of a state-wide database system. Surf RI offers access to 40 databases covering a wide variety of topics - health, history, literature, politics, reference, etc., - in a variety of "formats" - newspapers, magazines, journals, encyclopedias, and more.

The trial runs through April 15, and no login or password is required for access.

Statewide databases provide all of the public libraries in the state with the same access to information. Databases are expensive, and some libraries cannot afford them; statewide databases provide access to all patrons regardless of their "home" library affiliation. Currently, 46 states offer statewide databases.

Help make Surf RI a reality - if you use, and like, the service, please leave feedback.

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